AUGUST 2022 - Drone pilot at St. Andrews for a drone demo with Nat Geo and Journalist
So this was first for me. Here I was doing a drone demo and letting other people fly my drones eeeek!! Several Journalist from round the country came to do a piece on Europe from Above and to find out more about drones. I was losing my voice a bit from a post cold (not covid this time thankfully) but I think I held it together with my speaking lol.
Was great to meet this group and I set up a little kind of assault course with the drone for them to do. All at the Fairmount hotel which was nice. If the photographer on the ground sees the images below please give me a shout I’ll pop a link to your site as pics are superb.
Some of the articles here:
A few pics below of the day:)
Pics from photographer that day. Who I can't remember eeek! If you see this remind me I'll pop a link to your website:)
The Fairmount Hotel and golf course