JANUARY 2025 - Camera operator for the Hunt for the Lynx with BBC 2 Highland Cops

A fun last minute day filming the actuality of the hunt for the illegally released Lynx cats nearby in the Cairngorms National Park. Unfortunately I did not get to see the Lynx themselves. I got to see the camera trap footage and they looked so cute.

So today I filmed the press in the local area as they gave interviews with Dr Helen the head of conservation for the Royal Zoological society. The press were at Ruthann Barracks so took some drone shots around this area. The Highland park said I could fly there but not any further east as this was where the Lynx were spotted. Then I returned to the park for some actuality of the team doing the search with pics and videos etc. These images I shot will be used when the Highlands cops TV show follow the wildlife investigator as he tries to track down who released the Lynx.

The caught the second two lynx only an hour or two after I left. Few screen grabs below of the day.

Ruthven Barracks

DECEMBER - Inshriach drinks advert released for Christmas

Had great fun making this advert with Walter and Ali. All filmed with Anamorphic lenses apart from the aerial shots. Also lots of lighting fun:) Hit Play to see the film below:)

Starring Ewan MockGregorand the postie.Filmed and edited by Kirk Watson of Perfect View Productions.Original Soundtrack by Alastair Caplin.Written and produc...

JULY 2020 - Visit Cairngorms welcome back film

Well it seems apt that my first few days of work since the 16th of March on “The Crown” is a promotional film called “ We miss you!! We are preparing to welcome you back” all about welcoming people back to the Cairngorms National Park, where I live:)

The film was organised by www.visitcairngorms.com and I had two days to shoot it and get round 18 businesses spread over the large park. I came up with a script giving each business one line to say from the message Visit Cairngorms had. This would allow me hopefully quicker filming at each place as I wanted some action shots with the drone also. Mark at Visit Cairngorms luckily did all the logistics and timings on a spread sheet so I could just travel round to people who knew I was coming and knew their line:) We wanted to keep the message positive with a brief mention of COVID as everyone gets plenty of the rules through the media and press to educate everyone on the best practices, and it keeps changing depending on where the country is at while fighting it.


We can't wait to share the place we are so proud to call home with you again soon. #CairngormsTogether 💜Get planning ➡️ https://www.visitcairngorms.com/ Like...

JULY 2019 - Filming with Plant Life

A few days filming with Plant Life in the Cairngorms. Was super interesting meeting the different people here and learning several new plants and flowers. One of the rare ones below, the Twin Flower which the guys are helping to protect and become more spread out before it goes extinct!

Filmed with GH5 and Cosmo pocket on the ground and the Mavic 2 pro for the aerial footage:) Down to the editing bit now, although one day out with a mountain leader who hs had training from Plant Life.

The Twin Flower:)

The Twin Flower:)