SEPTEMBER 2024 - Aerial filming in Torridon for Jenny Graham running race
A fun day if a little full on with midges to start the day lol. Today I had to be up high in the mountains by 8:30am to catch some runners as they went by. I was taking shots of the sunrise on the way up and my hands were black as if I was wearing gloves as I flew. Was so hard to get a decent shot without scratching.
I arrived at my position for filming and then had to walk back and fourth 200m for an hour until they arrived due to the midges. Fortunately 30 minutes after the runners arrived so did a subtle breeze and the sun to scare away the nasty midge:)
The film is an advert for a duathlon for next year taking place up here and organised by Jenny. The rest of the day with two different groups with a few folk I knew we all had fun getting a bunch of shots together for Jenny’s film that Markus Stiz will edit together:) A screen grabs from my footage of the stunning day below.
Sun just hitting the mountains 6:30am and my hands totally covered in midgies
Runners silhouetted in the sun
Reflection of the runners after they all swam here too.