FEBRUARY 2025 - Camera operator on a Beluga Lagoon music video

A great fun few days with Andrew and Blaine filming a new music video for a new song, not yet released. I was out with my new cameras which now match Andrews cameras which is a great bonus. The Sony FX6 and FX3

We were filming several scenes of Blaine all dressed up in tweeds and a flat cap crossing the wilderness with his backpack and stick. Starting in the sun and with the weather getting more grim as he goes on. Well that’s the story anyway but was filmed in reverse because you have to go with the weather you have. Canoes were also at hand to get us to some locations.

Always great fun with this pair and a good crack. We also entered the pub quiz in the Clachaig and came third. One of the questions was “What does the Acronym BBC stand for?'“ Now there are a few answers to this question. The poor quiz master got quite embarrassed with all the laughing. But we did get it right in the end with “British Broadcasting Corporation”:)

Oh and we finally filmed the last clip of Isla music video. I think we did the first clip in September or October hahaha. I see it will premiere Saturday night 1st march as Andrew drops in the final clip to his edit, tomorrow on Beluga Lagoon Films on Youtube.

A few pics below with some screen shots from my camera of Blaine striding out over the moors:)

Blaine dwarfed by the great Highland mountains

Blaine striding out through the lush mossy birch forest in the sun.

Camera operator Kirk with my new shiny camera and 200mm lens:)

DECEMBER 2024 - Filming Beluga Lagoon largest concert so far.

It’s been a fun year following Andrew and his band Beluga Lagoon as they play bigger venues throughout Scotland. All have been sold out shows and some sold out in literary 2 minutes !

I’ve filmed several of the bigger concerts with Rupert Shanks for Andrew to do an edit at some point to make a bit of a documentary of the year, not for TV or the likes just for Andrews Youtube channel where he pops all his films over the years https://www.youtube.com/@belugalagoonfilms8620 . Wish I’d gone along to film them receiving a few awards along the way too. Anyway I’m sure there are phone pics and video of these occasions.

O2 Academy in Glasgow would be the biggest so far 3500. There are some pretty big nerves before these concerts for some of the band. Andrews worries he will catch the flu or the likes and he had a little bit of a sore throat coming into this but managed to miss it getting worse thankfully. Some of the band seem to not get nervous at all. Although Andrew and Matt the drummer were the most nervous earlier in the year they seem to have gotten slightly more used to it as time has gone on. Just shit themselves on a medium level now until the first 2 songs are in the bag:)

Such great fun seeing this set up and loved the massive tree at the back of stage with eye balls in an opening and an owl on a branch, made by Jamie and Andrew. True to form Andrew manages to make every concert different. So for those fans, of which there are quite a few, that go to many of the shows they never see the same show twice. This one being special (like Dunoon, Queens Hall) had the voices of Argyll join as an all female choir giving a much bigger sound to the music for the first half of the show.

Going to be fun to see what Andrew does this year. He certainly doesn’t stop and is with Gregor right now doing something in the studio. How he fits it in I’m not sure, always impresses me how productive he is, daily! A few pics below of the O2 Night, what an awesome night:)

Wee drone shot of the venue from the mini 3 pro tiny drone

One of Ruperts angles from back of Hall

SEPTEMBER 2024 - Aerial filming in Torridon for Jenny Graham running race

A fun day if a little full on with midges to start the day lol. Today I had to be up high in the mountains by 8:30am to catch some runners as they went by. I was taking shots of the sunrise on the way up and my hands were black as if I was wearing gloves as I flew. Was so hard to get a decent shot without scratching.

I arrived at my position for filming and then had to walk back and fourth 200m for an hour until they arrived due to the midges. Fortunately 30 minutes after the runners arrived so did a subtle breeze and the sun to scare away the nasty midge:)

The film is an advert for a duathlon for next year taking place up here and organised by Jenny. The rest of the day with two different groups with a few folk I knew we all had fun getting a bunch of shots together for Jenny’s film that Markus Stiz will edit together:) A screen grabs from my footage of the stunning day below.

Sun just hitting the mountains 6:30am and my hands totally covered in midgies

Runners silhouetted in the sun

Reflection of the runners after they all swam here too.

MARCH 2024 - Filming Beluga Lagoon's concert in Stirling

What an awesome venue for a concert in the heart of Stirling. Great to be filming great mates as they sell out concerts. Andrew is keen to make a bit of a documentary of this year as Beluga lagoon start filling bigger venues. I pop along to enjoy the music and film a little bit of BTS as the band gets ready and then during the performance and them coming off stage.

Nerves within the band seemed less that Aviemore at this gig. Not that you’d notice from the audience:) Had a friend shooting some wides for me while I did a bit of steady cam and just hand held. Andrew wanted a bit more crowd in these shots so got in amongst the crowd. The crowd was a little more sober than Aviemore and most likely because Scotland had just won against England in the Rigby moments before the Aviemore concert lol.

Lovely interview with Iain ‘Fingers’ after the concert. Mainly unusable footage from Gregor and Willy after the concert lol:)

Very good vibe in this venue and a great night for all:)

Beluga Lagoon in Stirling

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FEBRUARY 2024 - Filming instructional film with Dark Sky Media

A fun week filming Dave Macleod doing climbing coaching at his place in Roy Bridge. I was working for Chris Prescott here of Dark Sky Media ( www.darksky-media.com ) who does a lot of climbing filming. I was the second camera here and using his Sony kit. I have worked with Chris several times on a variety of projects so was fun to work with him again. The client was https://altitudeclimbing.com and the films we were making were for increasing your performance in rock climbing.

I’ve known Dave and Claire Macleod since university days so was good to catch up with them again. The last time I actually filmed Dave was in 1999 at Dunbarton rock on a Nick Tarmey film ‘Cutting Loose’ :)

Chris and myself had quite a bit of standing on crash mats not being able to move incase we wobble our tripods. Probably some form of torture standing still like this. Not sure how the Buckingham Palace guards manage it lol. But we battled through it. Hopefully be some great videos from the edit. Certainly Dave is massively knowledgeable and amazing at breaking down the tiniest bits of climbing to produce advancements for his students:)

Dave describing his different boots. Although one of the pairs he uses 90% of the time.

Chris Prescott and myself filming Dave doing his stuff.