It’s been a fun year following Andrew and his band Beluga Lagoon as they play bigger venues throughout Scotland. All have been sold out shows and some sold out in literary 2 minutes !
I’ve filmed several of the bigger concerts with Rupert Shanks for Andrew to do an edit at some point to make a bit of a documentary of the year, not for TV or the likes just for Andrews Youtube channel where he pops all his films over the years . Wish I’d gone along to film them receiving a few awards along the way too. Anyway I’m sure there are phone pics and video of these occasions.
O2 Academy in Glasgow would be the biggest so far 3500. There are some pretty big nerves before these concerts for some of the band. Andrews worries he will catch the flu or the likes and he had a little bit of a sore throat coming into this but managed to miss it getting worse thankfully. Some of the band seem to not get nervous at all. Although Andrew and Matt the drummer were the most nervous earlier in the year they seem to have gotten slightly more used to it as time has gone on. Just shit themselves on a medium level now until the first 2 songs are in the bag:)
Such great fun seeing this set up and loved the massive tree at the back of stage with eye balls in an opening and an owl on a branch, made by Jamie and Andrew. True to form Andrew manages to make every concert different. So for those fans, of which there are quite a few, that go to many of the shows they never see the same show twice. This one being special (like Dunoon, Queens Hall) had the voices of Argyll join as an all female choir giving a much bigger sound to the music for the first half of the show.
Going to be fun to see what Andrew does this year. He certainly doesn’t stop and is with Gregor right now doing something in the studio. How he fits it in I’m not sure, always impresses me how productive he is, daily! A few pics below of the O2 Night, what an awesome night:)